Sunday, December 12, 2010

Where Can I Be When It's Summer in the Winter at Year's End?

It's hard to believe how much time has flown by since I started this blog with all of one post.  Two weeks ago it was freezing in the mornings, a few early hours registered in the low 20 degrees even.  Winter had arrived!  We even had a few rainstorms!  And this weekend, a mere week before winter officially starts, the temperature soars above 80!!!  Mother Nature is severely confused!

In another three weeks it will be the next year... I am not ready!  Where did the time go?  There's so much more I wanted to get done!  Earlier this week I finally stopped denying that Christmas is just around the corner; even purchased a few small presents, some Christmas cards to write, and yesterday we bought a small tree!  I even finished decorating it today.  So the home is starting to look like the 'season' it's supposed to be.

Work keeps me busy even though business is slower than normal--the economy hasn't moved much in an upward direction yet in California--but there is always the paperwork.

Writing and reading take a lot of my afterwork hours.  Trying to tell people about the novel on and is interesting; I'm not good at self-promotion.  And I'm trying to finish three other novels--a lot more work than I anticipated.  Seems I'm never happy when I get on the proof-reading mode and spend more time re-writing what's already written and not adding enough new stuff.  But it's a big part of writing and it keeps me happy.

I'm also spending a little time on another very short fan-fiction.  Sometimes it's easier writing characters that someone else created than the ones you invent yourself.  It is a lot of fun, too.  And I enjoy the feedback on the different websites I've posted them. 

More next time... Hopefully, a lot sooner than the last post...